Product safety certificates

ISCC Сертификат 25.11.2021-24.11.2022

ISCC Certificate 15.11.2020-14.11.2021

ISCC Certificate 15.11.2019-14.11.2020

ISCC Certificate 15.11.2018-14.11.2019

ISCC Certificate 16.05.2017-15.05.2018

Product Conclusions

Permission to use the conformity mark

Notification of inclusion in the register of certified companies

Certificate of conformity for the production of chemically modified animals or vegetable fats and oils

Сertificate of conformity RADOIL HOLDING LTD., for manufacturing of bio-diesel fuel

Сertificate of conformity RADOIL HOLDING LTD., for manufacturing of Industrial fat

Inspection control certificates

ГОСТ Р ИСО 9001 - 2015 (ISO 9001:2015)